Know When You Can Get Scaling And Root Planing

By Heritage Dental - Katy

Scaling and root planing are the best non-surgical procedures for you if you have periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss if you keep it untreated. But how often should you get scaling and root planing done? Usually considered the first line of defense against periodontitis, scaling and root planing do not cure it but can treat it. So let’s explore when you can opt for scaling and root planing procedures. 

Why Do You Need Scaling And Root Planing?

People with periodontitis need scaling and root planing the most. Also known as deep cleaning, this dental procedure can get rid of tartar and plaque accumulated in your teeth. The primary purpose of scaling and root planing is to smooth out your teeth roots that help gums to reattach your teeth. Since good gum health is vital for good mouth health, you must undergo regular dental cleanings. 

How Long Does Scaling And Root Planing Last? 

Scaling and root planing first require an appointment with your dentist. It generally happens in two appointments. Your dentist will clean one-half of your mouth in your first appointment and the second half in your second appointment. However, it depends on the plaque that needs to be removed. But the appointment for this dental cleaning procedure 

How Does Scaling And Root Planing Work? 

The dental procedure eliminates excess plaque and hardened minerals known as tartar. These get stuck in your teeth after eating. If you have periodontitis, you need this dental cleaning service the most. It is mainly done below the gum line to treat gum disease effectively. 

When Should You Opt For Scaling And Root Planing? 

Scaling and root planing is necessary for almost everyone to care for their gum health. Plaque accumulation is inevitable, and brushing your teeth is not enough. The scaling and root planing procedure is required for people who have spaced between their gums and teeth. These spaces are sometimes so deep that regular dental cleaning cannot reach them. So in these situations, you need scaling and root planing. Dentists recommend that you opt for scaling every six months. Doing this will prevent unnecessary plaque accumulation. Overall, you can opt for scaling and root planing twice a year, depending on the condition of your oral health. However, scaling and root planing are unnecessary if you have strong and healthy gums. 

Scaling And Root Planing Aftercare Tips 

After getting scaling and root planing, you must adhere to some significant aftercare tips to help you intensify your oral health. Once done, scaling and root planing cause gum redness, followed by minimal swelling and minor irritation. However, with proper aftercare and routine professional care, you can fix your oral health. You can follow the aftercare tips given below:

  • Avoid chewing until the numbness stops
  • It would help if you brushed gently until your gums feel normal again 
  • Rinse your mouth with warm saline water at least six times a day

The Final Verdict

Periodontitis is serious, and don’t ignore its signs of it. If you have severe periodontitis, you may even lose a tooth, which can harm your oral health badly. Schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist today and opt for a scaling and root planing procedure! It would help if you visited your dentist for expert guidance.