Choosing The Right Candidate For Dental Crowns

By Heritage Dental - Katy

When it comes to oral health, a dental crown can be the key to restoring a damaged or weakened tooth. Dental crowns have become increasingly popular as they provide an effective and affordable solution for many dental problems. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for this treatment option. In this blog post, we will dive into what dental crowns are, when they’re necessary, their benefits, and most importantly how to identify the right candidate for them! So let’s get started!

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover a damaged or weakened tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. They can be made from different materials including porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or resin. Each material has its benefits and drawbacks depending on the patient’s needs.

Porcelain or ceramic dental crowns are commonly used for front teeth because they blend in well with natural teeth. Metal alloy crowns are more durable and recommended for back teeth where biting force is greater. Resin crowns are less expensive but may not last as long as other types of dental crowns.

To place a dental crown, the dentist will first prepare the affected tooth by removing decayed areas or filling it down to fit the crown properly. Then an impression of the prepared tooth is taken and sent to a lab where the custom-made crown will be created.

Once ready, the dentist cements the crown onto your natural tooth using special adhesive cement that holds it securely in place so you can enjoy normal chewing and speaking again without any discomfort.

Dental crowns offer a reliable solution for restoring damaged teeth while improving their appearance at the same time.

The Types Of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns come in different types, and each one has its advantages. The first type is the porcelain crown, which is perfect for front teeth because of its natural appearance. It can also be color-matched to your other teeth for a seamless result.

The second type is the ceramic crown, which offers durability and stain resistance. This type of crown can withstand heavy chewing forces and doesn’t wear down quickly.

Another option is the gold alloy or metal crowns, which are highly durable and resistant to chipping or breaking. They’re often recommended for molars that require more strength due to their location in the mouth.

Composite resin dental crowns are ideal for restoring decayed or damaged teeth with minimal tooth removal needed during preparation. These types of restorations blend well with natural teeth but may not be as strong as some other materials used in dental crowning.

Zirconia crowns offer both strength and aesthetic appeal; they’re known for their extreme durability which makes them last longer than any other dental restoration material available today.

Choosing the right type of dental crown will depend on your particular situation—your dentist can recommend what’s best based on your specific needs!

When Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

Dental crowns are necessary when a tooth has been severely damaged or weakened due to decay, trauma, or wear and tear. The primary function of dental crowns is to protect the remaining structure of the tooth and restore its appearance, strength, and functionality.

If you have a large cavity that can’t be filled with a regular filling or if your tooth is cracked or broken, your dentist may recommend getting a dental crown. In some cases, dental crowns can also be used to cover teeth that are discolored or misshapen.

Additionally, dental crowns may be necessary after root canal therapy as they provide additional support to the treated tooth. They help prevent bacteria from entering the space where nerves were removed during the procedure.

In general, if your dentist recommends getting a crown for one of your teeth it’s because there aren’t any other viable options available. Dental crowns offer an effective solution for restoring damaged teeth while improving their overall appearance and durability.

Ultimately, whether or not you need a dental crown will depend on your situation as well as what type of treatment plan best suits your needs. It’s important to talk with your dentist about all available options before making any decisions regarding restorative dentistry procedures like dental crowns.

The Benefits Of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that are placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. Apart from improving the appearance of your teeth, dental crowns offer many benefits.

Firstly, they protect weak or cracked teeth by holding them together and preventing further damage. Crowns also help prevent further decay as they cover the entire surface of the tooth and seal it off from harmful bacteria.

Secondly, dental crowns can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as dental implants or bridges to replace missing teeth. This not only improves the appearance of your smile but also helps maintain proper alignment and bite function.

Thirdly, dental crowns are long-lasting solutions that require minimal maintenance. With proper care and regular check-ups with your dentist, you can expect your crown to last for up to 15 years or more.

Using ceramic or porcelain materials for crown fabrication allows for a natural-looking finish that blends seamlessly with surrounding teeth. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of restored functionality without compromising on aesthetics.

In summary, dental crowns offer a range of benefits including improved protection against further damage and decay; support for other restorative treatments; long-lasting durability; and natural-looking results when crafted using high-quality materials.

How To Choose The Right Candidate

When it comes to dental crowns, choosing the right candidate is crucial for ensuring a successful outcome. Here are some factors to consider when determining if someone is a good candidate for dental crowns:

1) Tooth Damage: Dental Crowns are often used to cover and protect damaged teeth that cannot be restored with other treatments such as fillings or bonding. They can also provide extra support for teeth that have undergone root canal treatment.

2) Cosmetic Concerns: If a patient is unhappy with the appearance of their teeth due to discoloration or unsightly gaps, dental crowns can help improve their smile and boost their confidence.

3) Oral Hygiene: Candidates must maintain good oral hygiene practices before and after getting dental crowns, including brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and scheduling routine checkups.

4) Bite Alignment: Patients should have proper bite alignment before receiving dental crowns. Misaligned bites may put too much pressure on certain areas of the mouth and cause complications.

5) Overall Health: Individuals who suffer from conditions such as gum disease or diabetes may not be ideal candidates for dental crown procedures because they may affect overall healing time.

By taking these factors into account while evaluating potential patients, dentists can ensure that they choose the right candidates for successful outcomes with minimal risk of complications.

Bottom Line

Dental crowns are an excellent solution for many dental issues. They can restore the look and functionality of teeth that have suffered damage or decay. However, they are not suitable for everyone. It is essential to choose the right candidate for dental crowns carefully.

Choosing the right candidate involves assessing factors such as tooth strength, gum health, and personal preference. If a patient has healthy gums and strong teeth with minimal damage or decay, then dental crowns may be an excellent option.

At your next dental appointment, consult with your dentist about whether you might be a good candidate for this treatment option. With their guidance and expertise in combination with careful consideration of all relevant factors affecting your oral health needs- including budget constraints-, together we can develop a personalized plan so that you achieve optimal results from any restoration work done on your smile!